Our History
A total of eight EDGE certified firms (three from Cleveland area & five from Columbus area) representing diversified businesses met with the Ohio DOD (Department of Development) Director & team on April 11, 2019. Our legal counsel, Mr. Gregory Williams organized the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the ’10 Year Term-Limit’ issue and its impact on the EDGE firms and other issues with the current Ohio EDGE program.
As a result of that meeting DOD conducted an EDGE Work Group that resulted in Ohio Adm. Code Chapter 123:2-16.Administrative Rule changes affecting the following:
- Term Limits
- Graduation – Size/Net Worth
- Level of percentage participation in the contract
- Joint Ventures
In addition, for receiving tips on allegations of fraud or abuse in the EDGE program the DOD established a toll-free hotline 1-888-623-8477 (MBE-TIPS).
To continue this success story, it was evident to the “group” that we needed to form an association of all EDGE certified firms to petition DOD in one voice. Consequently, OAECC was formed as a non-profit organization to support our efforts.
OAECC’s Mission
- Have one voice of appeal to the Ohio DOD & State of Ohio
- Support the interest of all EDGE firms
- Have better participation of EDGE firms in the State contracts
- Provide support to Ohio DOD in their EDGE program formation & implementation
OAECC presents the “Majority” concerns to Ohio DOD in a formalized manner. If you seek an “EDGE” in visibility, promotion, and DOD accountability, then join us today.